Artificial Intelligence – an attack on self-confidence?

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Artificial Intelligence – an attack on self-confidence?

(Agile) projects almost always deliver an output. However, not everyone is aware that the output could be bigger, more efficient and, above all, cheaper. the question that arises is:

Who would want to have artificial Intelligence (AI) by their side that proves that proves ot is possible to implement a project more efficiently and cost-effectively?

Definition self-confidence

By Dorsch – Lexicon of Psychology

the expectation of self-efficacy; the feeling of being able to cope with possible difficulties and of creating something on your own.

Fundamental question

The fundamental question is therefore whether humans would accept a machine at their side that demonstrates more competence in a task than they have themselves.

Will humans accept the intelligent machine?

What does it take to be successful?

I make the claim that intelligence alone is not enough to be successful.

For the foreseeable future, machines won’t be able to motivate people. A machine cannot take away fears and is not the least bit empathic. However, these skills are essential to make a team successful.

In projects or in difficult times, you need a leader who can motivate his team to surpass themselves. Can a machine paint a picture of what the goal to be achieved? Hardly likely.


Machines, however intelligent they may be, cannot compete with humans. They may be smarter than humans in their subject area, but they lack all the other qualities – often called soft skills – that are required to be successful.

A really smart manager should make use of the know-how made available by a machine in order to get to the given goal faster and more cheaply.

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